Easy Psychology

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What is Hypothesis? Examples of it


Hypothesis is a Tentative/preliminary solution of a problem.

The hypothesis is a formal statement That helps in drawing the conclusion. Hypothesis is a conjectural (hypothetical) Statement of relationship between two or more variables.

Chrematistic of hypothesis:

Ø The hypothesis is testable presently and potentially

Ø     It is relevant to the problem

Ø     It is parsimonious

Ø     It should be expressed in qualified

Ø     Hypothesis should be related to the valuable technique

Ø     It is general in scope

Ø     It is an end result clue and fruitful

Ø     It is logical

Ø     Hypothesis must be based on building and prior research

Ø     It is harmony-based.

Ø Hypothesis is a contradictory statement

Ø Hypothesis based is no clear and operationally defined concepts.   

Source of Hypothesis formulation:

Some sources of hypothesis formulation are:

Culture influence

Keen observation

Social condition


Theoretical prediction

Technological development

Knowledge of research literature

Current issues

Types of hypotheses:

 There are four types of hypotheses

1.     Null hypothesis

2.     Alternative hypothesis

3.     Directional hypothesis

4.     Non directional hypothesis

 Null hypothesis

“In the standard scientific approach to hypothesis testing, one attempts to   demonstrate the falsity of the null hypothesis, one of which results in the alternative   hypothesis being acceptable”.

For example: If we want to check the relationship between smoke and stroke. Here the   null hypothesis will that There is no relationship between person has a stroke and smoke  and a person lives with a smoker”.

 Alternative hypothesis

“A formal statement of the effect an experimental manipulation should produce” Alternative hypothesis refers to a single logical statement The experimental manipulation will have some effect on subject’s behavior. Alternative hypothesis is consistent with many logical States as there are many levels of some effect.

For example: In upper example in null hypothesis here, there will be a relationship between smoker and stroke it may Small, Large, Low and high etc.

Directional Hypothesis:

In Directional Hypothesis, hypotheses explain and predicts the direction and occurrence of a specific relationships.

The predicted relationship results both it will may positive or may negative.

            “These Hypotheses are a method that predicts the direction of the path of difference.it may be correlate positive or negative with each other”. 

For example: one we hypothesized that the co-educated students are more likely to  interactive and smarter than non-co-educated students.

 Mind it that the directional hypotheses are also known as a one-tailed hypothesis.

Non-Directional Hypothesis:

“On the other hands the non-directional Hypotheses cannot predict that in which way independent variables will affect the dependent variables as we have learned the directional hypothesis does”.

it may further be defined as:

The non-directional Hypotheses are the hypotheses used to prove or disprove that when we change independent variable can effect on the other variables/dependent variables.

For example:

The girls have better study habits than boys. Here the results may positive or negative.  

There would be a significant difference in the study habits of boys and girls.

Formulation of the hypothesis

A hypothesis is often referred to as an educated guess. This is usually based upon the information that you have. It begins with an assumption that is called hypothesis.

For example:

1.     The researcher wants to measure the gender difference in the self-esteem of adolescents.

2.     The researcher indicates that the physical well-being of the cancer patient improv after treatment.


A working hypothesis is an accepted hypothesis that is accepted as the basis for further research in the hope that it will lead to firm belief, even if it is ultimately incomplete. Working hypotheses are often used as a strategy in qualitative research. Like all hypotheses, working hypotheses are formulated in research findings as expressions of hope that can be associated with research goals.

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